How to check directory.

To read the Directory at once, we type C:/> DIR+ Enter. The computer will surely list names and extension of all files at once.

1. CLS - Clear the Screen: This command is used to clear the screen whenever we
learnt that the screen is already full.

2. DATE: To type date from the C:/Root + Enter, the computer will show us the current Date.

3. TIME:- By typing time from C:/Prompt, it will show us the current time.

4. COPY:- We can copy from one place to another by using copy command

5. XCOP:- The xcopy command is being used to copy file one by one.

6. DELETE:- The delete command is being to delete file from certain directory.

7. FORMAT:- To open the Diskette for use and empty the Diskette we need to

8. INSTALL:- Install mean to install certain software or file into Diskette or Hard disk.

9. RENAME:- To change certain name or extension to another name and Extension
entirely respectively.

10. ERASE:- Erase is being used to erase file under one Directory.

11. REMOVE DIRECTRORY:- This command is being used to remove directory from
the Disks after we have erased the files.


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